Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...
Christmas 2016

Saturday 18 September 2010

Mendel Mayhem: Z-axis

Leadscrew base & Leadscrew base with optoswitch
As these two are very similar I decided to break into mass production and build them at the same time.

Note, due to my mudguard washers being too large (they are M4 though) I had to grind away a recess to allow them to sit so closely together. I again left the actual circuit board off until later in case of damage.
Z-axis leadscrew bases

Motor bracket
NOTE: If you're using set screw pulleys then fit the pulley to the motor before fitting the motor to the bracket. Not a big thing, but it does waste timing when you have to remove screws you've just put in.
Z-axis motor bracket

Nothing to say really...
Z-axis tensioner

Mass production again as there are two of these...
The instructions say to remove the pulley again for later assembly hence the dismantled state in the picture. As you can see I have Nophead's Z-pulley's as well.
Z-axis leadscrews

That's all folks
It seems that's the end of the Z-axis for now until the whole unit comes together. That was another 1.5 hours.

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