Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...
Christmas 2016

Sunday 19 July 2009

Camper Part 14: Wall done

On Friday evening & Saturday I managed to get the intricate details of the rear bathroom wall completed and the shower pipe installed.

The bathroom fixings which came out of the caravan are plastic, with the cabinet actually just being a cover with sliding mirror doors.

I had to made up the shelves, etc which live behind it. This was tricky work as it had to be the correct size to suit the plastic cover and also fit into the nooks and crannies created by the odd shaped roof of the ambulance.

Rear bathroom wall Bathroom cabinet frame

As an aside, in order to speed up cutting the small strips, etc that I needed, I took the time out to make a table for my circular saw. I'm very cautious of these tools as I've seen someone lose a thumb before.

Circular saw table Circular saw table Circular saw table

I also had to install the shower piping before completing this as it is hidden behind it. I used copper piping for this section as I wanted it to be high pressure and needed some solidity where the shower head fits. The pipe is an odd shape as it makes it way around the various shapes of the roof. I used soldered joints wherever posible and glued it in with the structural adhesive/sealant that I have been using. This remains semi-flexible so will have some give if the vehicle flexes at all.

For fixing the shower head on, I discovered that the thread on a standard shower head is the same as 15mm copper pipe and tap fittings. I used a brass tap wall mounting fitting (this is glued to the roof. It has a female threaded section, so I then screwed in a straight connector which has two male fittings, as the shower head itself has a female fitting.

Height wise the showerhead has enough room for me to stand up and wash my hair, but anyone taller will have to stoop.

Shower pipe

Next up is the kitchen sink & fridge unit carcass. I had hoped to do this on Sunday but illness prevented it.

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