Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...
Christmas 2016

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Mendel Mayhem: X-axis continued

I ordered a Silverline 150mm Metal Cut Off Saw on Ebay yesterday, figuring that I do quite a bit of 'light' metal work and my wood chop saw made a huge difference to my productivity.

So I have decided to further put off cutting the threaded bar and rod until that arrives.

Idler Bracket
So today sees me starting what I can on the Idler Bracket. It's a bit like building some Meccano (Erector set in the US) except the instructions are not quite as step-by-step. In this case, completion awaits the assembly of more sub-assemblies, so on with the next...
X-axis idler bracket

Vert bearing 180
Final assembly of this item will also be delayed by thin plate parts (Z-opto flag), but I'm pressing ahead. This came together quite quickly, allowing me to press on to...
X-axis vert bearing 180

Vert bearing 360
This will be the last for the evening. I must say that so far I am really impressed with the print quality of the parts. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised as I made a point of buying them from Nophead (I figured if I was going to buy them I might as well get them from a community acknowledged expert. Well, that also went pretty quickly. I haven't fitted the Opto circuit yet as I don't want to risk knocking it during assembly.
X-axis vert bearing 360

I'm done for the evening (that's about 1.75 hours including numerous interuptions by my 8yr old), will progress again another day....

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